Kensington Launches Digital Speculative Fiction Imprint

From Publishers Weekly: Kensington Publishing will launch Rebel Base Books this fall, which will publish science fiction and fantasy e-book originals. A digital-only imprint, Rebel Base will be overseen by Kensington editor Martin Biro.

“As a lifelong fanboy raised on a steady diet of Star Trek and Lord of the Rings, I couldn’t be more excited to boldly go where Kensington has never gone before,” Biro said in a statement.

Read the rest of the article here.


Monday Markets Again on Tuesday and a Small Magazine with Big Ambitions

Amazon’s Literary Journal Day One is Seeking Submissions

Inky Path –  “Bring us your hyperlink fiction, your parser-based games, your funky interactive art. We want interactive fiction that draws readers in, captivates their attention, maybe even teaches something.”

Now for something a little different: ABC Productions Seeking Screenwriters for the 2014 Talent Showcase

And finally the small magazine with large ambitions: Brevity.


Monday Markets on Tuesday: Fantasy Scroll, Pithead Chapel, and more

Fantasy Scroll Press Announces The Launch of a New Short Story Market – “Fantasy Scroll Press, a small independent publisher, announced the launch of Fantasy Scroll Magazine, a new short fiction publication created for readers who love fantasy, science fiction, horror, and paranormal stories.”

Pithead Chapel – “Pithead Chapel is a small, independent and volunteer-run literary journal and small press out of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. We publish gutsy narratives every month.”

Horror Tree – “Gothic Blue Book Vol 4: Original Gothic Blue Books typically took place in either a monastery, convent or castle. In years past we have asked for short stories that take place in one of these locations, or a modern day location such as a morgue, haunted house or cemetery. This year, we have added a new entry – legend, folklore or myth of the Americas.”

T. Gene Davis’s Speculative Blog – “Payment of $50 for horror, fantasy and science fiction stories. T. Gene Davis’s Speculative Blog releases a family-friendly speculative story every Monday, mostly by guest authors.”




Monday Markets: Bloomsbury Spark and Every Day Fiction

Every Day Fiction: “… looking for very short (flash) fiction, of up to 1000 words. There’s no such thing as too short — if you can do the job in 50 words, have at it! — but our readers prefer pieces that tell or at least hint at a complete story (some sort of action or tension rising to a moment of climax, and at least a clue toward a resolution, though it doesn’t have to be all spelled out).”

Bloomsbury Spark:  “… a one-of-a-kind, global, digital imprint from Bloomsbury Publishing dedicated to publishing a wide array of exciting fiction eBooks to teen, YA and new adult readers.”

Monday Markets: From Filipino fiction to travel writing

Filipino Fiction For Young Adults: “Open Call For Submissions–Science Fiction: Filipino Fiction For Young Adults – Editors Dean Francis Alfar (publisher of the Philippine Speculative Fiction anthologies) and Kenneth Yu (publisher of Philippine Genre Stories), and co-editors for Horror: Filipino Fiction For Young Adults, announce an open call for short fiction submissions for Science Fiction: Filipino Fiction for Young Adults.”

Till Death Do Us Part: “Burnt Offerings Books is planning on publishing a series of monthly anthologies in 2014. The tentative title and theme of the anthology will be Till Death Do Us Part.”

Thirteen Press Anthologies (scroll down to Feb. 6 entry) – Accepting submissions for three anthologies – War, Wildwood, and Pyromania.

Dark Heart Volume Two: “With the theme of ‘Mirrors and Tears’ writers (both new and established) are invited to write a short story from 1,000-10,000 words for this anthology. The theme is open to interpretation and we look forward to reading a diverse range of YA tales.”

The Best Women’s Travel Writing: “Women writers, please send us your best stories about travel throughout the world for our annual series, The Best Women’s Travel Writing. We’re looking for the full range of experience: adventurous, mystical, funny, poignant, cuisine-related, cross-cultural, transformational, funny, illuminating, frightening, or grim-as well as solo travel and travel with friends, partners, and families.”




A little off topic… Adams Media Romance call for submissions

Adams Media Romance Guidelines —  “Our new direct-to-ebook romance imprint is launching soon! We’re open to romance submissions in five popular subgenres: romantic suspense, contemporary, paranormal, historical, and erotic romance. Within those subgenres, we are flexible about what happens. It’s romance, so there must be a happily-ever-after, but we’re open to how your characters get there. You won’t come up against preconceived ideas about what can or can’t happen in romance or what kind of characters you can or can’t have. “

March into Markets: Audio Magazine, Down-Under Literary, and more

Cast of Wonders: The YA Sci-fi & Fantasy Audio Magazine — “Cast of Wonders is a YA Sci-Fi & Fantasy fiction podcast, but we don’t rigidly define the genre. We’re looking for stories that evoke a sense of wonder, that have something unreal about them. We aim for a 12-17 age range: that means sophisticated, non-condescending stories with wide appeal, and without explicit sex, violence or strong language. Think Harry Potter or The Hunger Games.”

The School Magazine — “What is The School Magazine? It is Australia’s most loved and longest-running literary magazine for children. For generations, it has been introducing young readers to a world of words.”

Kindle Singles program sells over 2 million short stories — “Last year, Amazon began offering its affordable, bite-sized Kindle Singles for sale. Kindle Singles have a length that’s smaller than books, but longer than most magazine articles — essentially, short stories. But until now, no data existed on exactly how well these Singles are selling. “

Five hundred new fairytales discovered in Germany — “Collection of fairytales gathered by historian Franz Xaver von Schönwerth had been locked away in an archive in Regensburg for over 150 years.”

Spring Cleaning: New YA market and voice for kids

A recent spring-cleaning session unearthed the following sites:

Sucker Literary Magazine — “I am a rare specimen–an (online/electronic) literary magazine dedicated to showcasing and promoting undiscovered and established writers who write for young adults…. I am open to any and all writers at any and all stages  of their writing career/ journey into the publishing world.”

K.I.D. VOICE —  “K.I.D (Keeping it Diverse) VOICE is an online newspaper, launching in May 2012, that will feature submissions written for and by kids like you, of diverse age, gender and nationality.   Our goal is to open up the world of literacy and learning by keeping it engaging and diverse.”