Show, Don’t Tell

Excellent posting and cheat sheet with tips on how to “show not tell” from Lynette Noni.

Lynette Noni

This seriously awesome “cheat sheet” popped up in my Facebook and Twitter feed the other day and it’s simply too good not to share. It originated from a website called Writers Write:


As writers, we’re often told how important it is to “show, don’t tell” with our words. The funny thing is, it can be easier to write “tell” rather than “show”, but it’s waaaay better to READ “show” than it is to read “tell”. And really, as someone who spends a lot of time reading, I kinda hate it when I read writing that does more telling than showing, because it almost makes me feel dumb, you know? It sends the message that the writer thinks that to get their story across then they have to describe everything to the point that there’s no room left for my imagination to enjoy the creativity of filling in any gaps…

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3 thoughts on “Show, Don’t Tell

  1. Sandra January 26, 2015 / 6:32 pm

    I love this. Everyone can write, but not everyone can write well. I know writing comes naturally to some people, but not to me. This list would certainly help me if I ever decided to write.

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